Triumphant Learning Center

K - 8th Grade Public AZ Charter School 


School Hours
K - 8th: 8:00 a.m. to 3:15 p.m

​​​(928) 348-8422

201 E. Main St

Safford, AZ 85546

Interested in registering Your Child?

Please fill out a registration form to be placed on our Waiting List. To get a registration form Click and download a PDF copy from the link below. Copie are available at our front office if you do not have access to an email or printer. A separate application must be completed for each student.

You may drop off the application to the school office or mail to 201 East Main Street, Safford, AZ 85546.  You may also fax to 928-348-8423 or scan and email to  Once the application is received, your child's name will be added to our waiting list.

Registration Application

Registration Policy

Spots are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.  Priority will be given to existing families (With at least one enrolled child) who have a child/children on the waiting list for kindergarten through second grades.  All other applicants will be placed on the waiting list according to the date of the application.

Following Arizona state law concerning kindergarten enrollment, student must be 5 years old by August 31st.

Enrollment FAQs

How do I enroll my child at TLC?

The process began when you filled out and returned the TLC Registration Form.  Your child’s name was then put on our waiting list.

When will I be notified if my child is enrolled?

Hopefully, you will be notified sometime in May.  Enrollment at TLC is based on the openings we have available and the date of your application.
What if there are not enough spaces available for my child or children?

There are quite often changes in enrollment over the summer and during the school year.  If there is not an opening now for your child, we will notify you if one becomes available later.     
If you have more than one child to enroll, there may not be openings for all your children at the same time.  We suggest that parents consider enrolling one child at a time until space becomes available for the remaining children.